About Us

Picture this… You’re on a bridge and you don’t know where it leads. You have no other choice but to send your child across it and it doesn’t matter if you’re afraid, you still have to do it. You decide to take it one plank at a time, hoping and praying that they’ll make it to the other side. Now hold on to that imagery:

Our children willingly signed up for this lifestyle… Dare I say, some of us even willingly signed up and know many others who’ve served in some capacity, no matter the branch.  However, many of us did not. Hence the Drafted MOMs. We ourselves were drafted into this lifestyle and it IS a lifestyle. Life itself has changed for us. We were thrown into crossing that bridge of gut-wrenching fear mixed with tearful pride, love and broken hearts. It’s unyielding, inconvenient, confusing, and downright frightening to say the least. It’s also, where we realize as parents that we’re not able to protect them anymore.

It’s where we learn who won’t make it across and who will go on to cross many more bridges. It’s where many of us begin to understand why prayer is so important and know that only God Himself will be able to protect them & go wherever they’re going. Not drafted into serving but drafted into being a military family. Drafted into prideful moments as well as heartbreaking ones. Drafted into the uncertainties, into understanding our full dependency on God, no matter the outcome.

And that is why, we’re called Drafted MOMs!

Drafted MOMs is a Christian faith-based organization focused on supporting women who have children in the United States Military. From enlistment to veteran status, we’re here every step of the way.




Our highest priority is to give faith-based support to the families of those serving, making sure that they too know they’re not alone.

By the grace of God, Drafted MOMs started in August 2015.

We began in 2015 on social media, supporting Marine Corps families through prayer and fellowship, having contests, fundraisers, sending out Christmas cards, care packages, newsletters and even anointed prayer cloths. All of which was just a little inspiration and support for our military families. God knew the need, our willingness to move forward and literally provided a way to do that and more!
Drafted MOMs is bringing back the art of receiving something “Happy” in your mailbox.



“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”


Giving Back

The minute we were able to start giving back, that’s exactly what we did, and not just anywhere either but giving back to honor our Christian Military Families.