More than just a support group, we’re here for you when they can’t be!

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I remember it like it was yesterday. I couldn’t wait to tell my son that I got a new job… He said he had good news too, as he proceeded to tell me that he joined the Marine Corps. It wiped the smile off my face toot sweet, I instantly felt like I was gonna be sick…

I’ve seen what others had gone through firsthand. Most of which, had been affected poorly and that’s putting it nicely. This wasn’t my first career choice for my child… Dare I say, it wasn’t even in the running. I was vaguely familiar with the Corps, since I already had Marine friends and family. But as for my own child, No! I was coming into this blindly and knew without a doubt that I was gonna need God’s help. I earnestly, felt drafted myself and wondered if others felt that way too. There are many parent groups out there, good ones even, but I hadn’t seen any that would attend to the spiritual aspect of this new problem of mine. I needed a place that would keep me focused and grounded in the word, while surrounding me with like community. Unbeknownst to me, so did many other women. I bothered my son’s recruiter enough, until one day he said, “You should start a mother’s group.” Knowing full well, it was to keep me out of his hair and by the Grace of God, on Aug. 31st, 2015, Mothers of Marines (which would later become “Drafted MOMs”) was born.

Little did I know that my youngest son would be following in his brother’s footsteps less than a year later. We started with only 5 local mothers and now we have MOMs all over the world! Our once ‘small’ group has continued to grow while keeping our Faith and our support rooted in Christ.

Other people see United States Marines, but their mothers still see this.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…


~ Our Mission ~

To guide, nurture & support families with children in all branches of the United States Military.

Enjoy The Ride!

Here, we share this rollercoaster ride, courtesy of the United States Military, because there’s power in numbers and because keeping preoccupied is a blessing to a worrying mother’s heart. Seriously, the busier the better and while we might not be able to fix all your problems, you won’t have to face them alone.

We’ve got your six!

The Heart Of It All

When we’re asked, “What’s at the heart of it all?” The answer is simple. It’s God, you, me, them, and together, the strand is not so easily broken.
As a group of praying parents, strength in numbers is an understatement, and with God as our shield and motivator, mountains are moveable and impossible things become possible.


Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.




Every day, 20 veterans are lost to suicide in the US. The Mission 22 projects provides treatment, community and education for veterans and civilians.

Red Cross Family Emergencies

Contact the Red Cross in an emergency, including a death in the family.

Suicide Hotline DSTRESS

Has confidential services for our military members.


We have so much strength within this group! There is power in numbers, and our prayers can move mountains, especially for our Marines, and for each other. We hold each other up when we need extra strength. This group is a blessing.

Paula S.


Because 1. You all help lift our Marines and moms up in prayer. I’m so thankful for that. 2. The support and understanding can only come from fellow Marine moms! Really.

Nikki B.


I just joined this group approximately 2 weeks ago or so. My son is just at the beginning of becoming a Marine and just the uplifting spirits and prayers and all the experiences that other Drafted MoMs have overcome is a great blessing. And such a positive group of people.

Christy C.


This group is unique, encouraging, understanding caring, uplifting, we pray for one another, we come together in agreement to pray for each other and our Marine’s, we laugh together, motivate each other such an amazing group

Erika L.


I enjoy the company of other praying moms. We are all or have been, in the same boat.

Renee B.


Because I know that we pray for each other every day and sometimes knowing that helps me get through my day.

Laurie M.


For the prayers and motivation!! blessings.

Sara A.


It’s created with love, understanding, and is full of the power of God.

Kari B.


I love the Christian aspect and the sisterhood! Love the support and the LOVE! We are all here for each other and we “get” each other! We’ve all been in the same shoes at one point or another!

Cozette M.


I am here for 3 reasons: 1) it’s a group of believers 2) a group of moms who have an incredible bond due to our kids’ choice to serve 3) I always learn something, from so many of you, regardless of the fact mine is in year 11! We are all learning and growing together…… and THAT is a powerful combination!

Linda L.


I love this group because others understand the challenges of Military life.

Joyce K.


Support each other through each different journey & we put God first.

Tammy M.


Always understand what one another goes through and offer prayers and hope.

Flo C.


This group is family, support, and love.

Febe S.


I love having people I can count on that I know have been, or are, in the same situation I am. I also love having a resource pool of Christian people that have similar travels. What I mean by this is when I am going to visit my son at a particular base for the first time, I can ask for advice (places to eat, to stay, things to do) related to the area and know I will not be led astray. Lastly, I LOVE the fact that I have an army of prayer warriors supporting me and my son. There is nothing stronger than a praying mother!

Erin B.


When my son enlisted, I looked for info online to learn as much as possible about the USMC. I found informational & supportive pages on Facebook, but not until I found Drafted MOMs did I find a page that validated my faith along with my concerns for my son as he traveled this new journey in the Corps. I feel like I can be vulnerable in safety with other Drafted MoMs that have been where I am & I know that any requests for prayer are met with genuine coming together in His name.

Robin S.


The love and support of Drafted MoMs who really understand what is going on. Prayers are powerful and we lift each other up.

Tory P.


I love knowing no matter what the need is we are all here for each other. The support is amazing and has helped me more than anyone will ever know. We all can never have enough prayer or support groups.

Maryann F.


I really Love Drafted MoMs, mostly because it Is a Christian Group and I feel the Love of Each and Every Mom! I know if/when I ask for prayers it will be done. I can’t imagine getting through one day Without our Lord and I know these ladies feel the same.

Christine B.


The Drafted MoMs webpage kept me on track for healthy expectations for myself and our Marines. The opportunity to request and receive prayer when challenges arise is such a wonderful resource. Hearing other Drafted MOMs discuss some of their issues reminded me that this was a learn-as-you-go lifestyle. The Christian reminders and the love and joy from everyone are much appreciated.

Anne Marie R.


I like this group of like-minded Mothers because, like the Marines, we’re stronger in numbers especially through prayerful support.

Holly S.


To be around my new family! Have support. Interact with moms that are going through the same circumstance.

Krystal W.



Today, 20 veterans will be lost to suicide. In fact, every day 20 veterans are lost to suicide in the US. That makes the war at home more dangerous than all of our combat missions around the world.

We support Mission 22 and other Veteran Suicide awareness programs. They not only provide treatment, but a community and education for veterans and civilians alike. To honor those lost to the war at home, they also build national monuments and through social sharing of the #mi22ion hashtag, they seek to raise and spread mass awareness of the silent struggle that our veterans face when returning home.

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A Portion Of All Proceeds Goes Towards A Different Non-Profit Each Month.
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